Presented by the Hunter College Theater Department, SWEAT tells the story of a working-class community devastated by layoffs and lack of work. It follows best friends and families that struggle to maintain their humanity as the actions of the world tear at their peace of mind and sense of identity.
In order to obtain a FREE Student/Faculty/Staff ticket you must show your Hunter ID at the Box Office on the day of the show.
PLEASE NOTE: All non-CUNY guests must present proof of COVID-19 vaccination at the door (Vaccination Card or Excelsior Pass), as well as a photo I.D. The purchase of a ticket does not guarantee entry if proof is not presented.
In order to obtain a FREE Student/Faculty/Staff ticket you must show your Hunter ID at the Box Office on the day of the show.
PLEASE NOTE: All non-CUNY guests must present proof of COVID-19 vaccination at the door (Vaccination Card or Excelsior Pass), as well as a photo I.D. The purchase of a ticket does not guarantee entry if proof is not presented.